Selepas selesai majlis akad, di sebelah malamnya pula upacara malam berinai.. Ini mmg dah jd tradisi msyarakat melaka khususnya...majlis dimeriahkan lg dgn bunga api dan paluan kompang...cuma takde persembahan silat dan majlis berenjis coz mmg family aQ xpenah amalkan majlis berenjis ni sejak dari arwah ayah aQ ade lg...huhu....... Cuma sblm majlis ni, mmg ada majlis berzanji oleh kumpulan ibu2 di kampungku...termasuklah my EmaK! Kemudian, kami bersalaman bersama sanak saudara terdekat xpclly keluarga belah my husbe...:)
Keesokan paginya adalah majlis resepsi kami... majlis dimulakan dgn maulid dari warga emas n kaum adam khususnya...ni la group yg ayah aQ dl2...Then, sesi tukar2 baju...syokkkkkkkkkk...;D

Outdoor kami d Pantai Tanjung Bidara....tmpt ni aQ yg pilih sbb aQ mmg sgt suke laut...;)
Thank you very much for always being there for me, for making sure everything went well... For always putting my needs above others, for looking into details others often overlooked...u r the meaning of love; limitless empathy and borderless compassion which knows no bounds. Your kindest of thoughts and gesture knows no limits, and thank you very2 much for all the things that you've sacrificed for me. I love u mom!
Our wedding would have never been how it was without all your ideas and efforts, n neither would it convey such meaning without your blessings. Thank you for always looking at the positive side of things, for always giving everyone the benefit of the doubt, but most entirely for always being so selfless for others rather than yourself. We love you so so much, and will forever be indebted to you. tQvM!!;D
Bangganya dah ade ayaH!! hehe;)
To my FIL, BILs, n SILs like my own siblings...
tQvM 4 ur time and commitment towards the realization of our wedding. Thank you for accepting me into your lives as naturally as I have yours into mine, for sharing us your laughter, warmth and company.
tQvM 4 ur time and commitment towards the realization of our wedding. Thank you for accepting me into your lives as naturally as I have yours into mine, for sharing us your laughter, warmth and company.
To my extended family - aunts, uncles and cousins.
You are the backbone of the whole wedding meaningful, significant, sweet, wonderful and every bit a success story. You have been with me through trials and tribulations of the proceedings, catering n to every details...
You are the backbone of the whole wedding meaningful, significant, sweet, wonderful and every bit a success story. You have been with me through trials and tribulations of the proceedings, catering n to every details...
My sincerest appreciation to everyone, family, relatives, n friend who've also lent a helping hand towards the wedding and passed warm wishes, whom are far too many for me to personally thank in this space.
**************************************This was a wedding built on love, sailed on passion and insyaAllah left with deep humility and celebration....;^_______^ It was a sufficient dose of delivery and elaborateness, embedded with all the warmth and meaningfulness one could muster to receive. If thanks are the highest form of thought, and gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder - we wish everyone all the wonders and infinite happiness of the world.
From the bottom of our hearts - Thank you everyone, and thank you all!
From the bottom of our hearts - Thank you everyone, and thank you all!
p/s: To kwn2 yg hadir tp pic xde dlm entry ni sorry much2 more!! kehadiran anda semua sgt2 sy hargai....Love this moment!^_^